Those Thursday and Friday episodes were action packed. I’m glad that Dee Dee is no longer the cringy simpering fiancée, and back to being the hard nosed, confident solicitor with a backbone. She and Swain now are absolutely in Lauren’s corner. I admit to not liking the Lauren character when she first arrived on the scene, but she’s a far more complex character. Do we think that Kit is sympathetic to Joel?
Corrupt Kit is so going to destroy Craig one day. Just gathering ammunition to file away against Craig. Also, with the Kit actor’s height, we now see how short most of the cast is — the latest? Looking at you, Ryan.
Nick and Toyah are playing with fire with their "cuddling". We all know where that's going to lead. I agree that if Rowan ends up telling Leanne, he will have lost all his leverage against Nick, and it will be a Win/Win as far as Nick is concerned. Leanne will storm away like she always does, and Nick won't have to pay the extortion $ to Rowan (aka: investing in the cult). If Rowan doesn't spill the beans, David and his big mouth will just seal the deal.
I'm not a fan of Alina returning, and the whole turmoil in the Dobbs residence. It just feels like we've been though this scenario with them, and it's history repeating itself. I do love Doran, though.
I'm hoping that Tracy is back to deal with Rowan. I would imagine Amy has mentioned it at some point to her. As for why she was off, I read somewhere that Kate Ford was dealing with some health issues and needed some time away. I'm hoping she's back for good, but she may just be on and off the screen for a while.
I'm worried about Kit and Daisy doing the dirty on poor Ryan. Ryan doesn't have a lot of confidence since the acid incident, and he needs a guy to pal around with once in a while. What he doesn't need is Daisy getting a wandering eye where Kit is concerned.
Dee Dee should have been a detective. She's about to crack the case wide open! I absolutely love watching Joel squirm as the noose tightens around him. I don't think he's going to be able to lie his way out of it much longer.
I think one of the best lines of the week was by Daniel, when they were in the pub discussing women, marriage, infidelity, and just life in general. Kevin finished his curmudgeonly rant and Daniel said (in his best DJ voice) "You've been listening to the Enlightenment Hour, with Kevin Webster". I just about spit my coffee out when I heard it!
You piqued my interest about Tracy Barlow’s character and I found this online “Kate Ford took on the role of Tracy Barlow in Coronation Street in the autumn of 2002. She is the fourth actress to play the role of Tracy Barlow after Christabel Finch played her from her birth in 1977 to 1985, Holly Chamarette taking over from 1985 to 1988 and Dawn Acton playing the role from 1988 to 1999” I started watching Corrie in 2000 so missed the earlier Tracy actresses.
I was expecting to see damage to Joel’s door, or at least to the lock/handle area, when Deedee went to his flat. That might have added another clue for her, and would have confirmed that his flat was where Lauren was locked in when labour started.
I struggle that there are so many clues and evidence pointing to Joel being bad (did Swain ask him about Betsy’s bruises and I missed it?). Somehow Joel is free to go yet, Roy was held in custody with less evidence? It makes my BP soar ;o)
Swain did ask Joel and he said he never touched her and of course there is only Betsy's word at this point. I do think Swain believes her but must need more proof.
I don't remember another Tracy actress so I guess I haven't been watching as long as I thought - seems like forever, though!
I can't beleive that Deedee didn't really look any further in that flat.. I guess she found enough to confirm suspicions.
I started watching when they had the 2nd Tracy. Less than a year later she was replaced by Dawn Acton. It used to bother me when they would replace the actors, but sometimes it just needs to be done. Kate Ford does an amazing job in the role.
If you search for Dawn Acton, you'll likely recognize the face. I believe the character left for school for a year or so, and came back with a new head (Kate Ford).
Do they have a 'sweeps' week in the UK because this week felt like sweeps week episodes! We loved watching detective Dee Dee putting all the pieces together. And Shannon you are spot on with catching the change in Dee Dee from accusing Lauren of sleeping with her boyfriend to realizing what has really happened when they were talking in the hospital. (Disappointed at the last scene.. NO WAY would I let Joel back in my flat!) Plus did they have practically the entire cast on in that last episode? Daisy, Daniel, Brian, Lilly, Sarah, Bethany, all suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
The one line for the week that had me cracking up was Cassie that 'They should have entered Tracy in the running of the bulls in Spain' However Kit calling the 1990's vinyl 'vintage' was kind of hurtful. I really don't like him.
I couldn’t see, did Cassie mend Steve’s mug? I find many of the interior scenes too dark lately. I know power is expensive in the UK but surely spending a little more of the budget on the lighting crew and less on DeeDee’s wardrobe would be OK.
I must confess I had no interest in Lauren when she first appeared but now admire her excellent acting in what has been such a long and emotional storyline.
I think Dorin will be upstaging a few scenes, especially if he has a doughnut.
Yes, Steve's mug was very badly cobbled together and on the kitchen counter in one scene. It certainly didn't look like it could hold a cup of tea or coffee, but it might be good for draining pasta! ;)
I'm sure his Mom being on the Voice UK has them tied up at the moment. But I do hope that the jump back into doing this podcast someday. It was very enjoyable getting to read everyone's comments each week.
It's been a busy couple of weeks on the Street and we are missing our fearless leaders! I'm tempted to skip this week's episodes...but I know I won't/can't.
I'm worried that North of Weatherfield will be plummeting down the Podcast rankings! There have been some really funny lines we need to discuss but I don't want to post any spoilers. Please don't abandon us Brittlestar and Shannon!
You can also watch all the week’s episodes at once on Gem, with no commercial interruptions — just the opening/closing credits for each episode. On Friday nights….or Sunday mornings …whenever.
My wife and I work from home together and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday we watch the previous weeks episodes 2 at a time on GEM. So we're always a little behind. Lately I can't wait till Wednesday after lunch so I can get on here and listen to the podcast while I work and read all these fabulous comments!
I've been doing it for 40 years. That 3 hour block on Sunday morning is my private space. At one point, I lived in a community without a CBC channel, so my brother would send me 3x6 hour VHS tapes at a time. I would spend the whole weekend binging. Bliss.
Shakes head… take your eyes off the screen to look at your IPad and boom! You miss Lily with a messy bun back in screen for the first time in months. Yeesh. LOL.
I think that's how I miss things too. I have started to force myself to shut the laptop and put down the phone for Corrie, but I still manage to miss stuff.
Those Thursday and Friday episodes were action packed. I’m glad that Dee Dee is no longer the cringy simpering fiancée, and back to being the hard nosed, confident solicitor with a backbone. She and Swain now are absolutely in Lauren’s corner. I admit to not liking the Lauren character when she first arrived on the scene, but she’s a far more complex character. Do we think that Kit is sympathetic to Joel?
Corrupt Kit is so going to destroy Craig one day. Just gathering ammunition to file away against Craig. Also, with the Kit actor’s height, we now see how short most of the cast is — the latest? Looking at you, Ryan.
Great summary of an action packed week!
Nick and Toyah are playing with fire with their "cuddling". We all know where that's going to lead. I agree that if Rowan ends up telling Leanne, he will have lost all his leverage against Nick, and it will be a Win/Win as far as Nick is concerned. Leanne will storm away like she always does, and Nick won't have to pay the extortion $ to Rowan (aka: investing in the cult). If Rowan doesn't spill the beans, David and his big mouth will just seal the deal.
I'm not a fan of Alina returning, and the whole turmoil in the Dobbs residence. It just feels like we've been though this scenario with them, and it's history repeating itself. I do love Doran, though.
I'm hoping that Tracy is back to deal with Rowan. I would imagine Amy has mentioned it at some point to her. As for why she was off, I read somewhere that Kate Ford was dealing with some health issues and needed some time away. I'm hoping she's back for good, but she may just be on and off the screen for a while.
I'm worried about Kit and Daisy doing the dirty on poor Ryan. Ryan doesn't have a lot of confidence since the acid incident, and he needs a guy to pal around with once in a while. What he doesn't need is Daisy getting a wandering eye where Kit is concerned.
Dee Dee should have been a detective. She's about to crack the case wide open! I absolutely love watching Joel squirm as the noose tightens around him. I don't think he's going to be able to lie his way out of it much longer.
I think one of the best lines of the week was by Daniel, when they were in the pub discussing women, marriage, infidelity, and just life in general. Kevin finished his curmudgeonly rant and Daniel said (in his best DJ voice) "You've been listening to the Enlightenment Hour, with Kevin Webster". I just about spit my coffee out when I heard it!
I love the idea that Tracy takes on Rowan! That makes perfect sense too, with Amy almost considering investing her inheritance.
That definitely a good line from Daniel - very funny!
Daniel's comment about Kevin was pure GOLD! If Kevin is to be the new curmudgeon commenting randomly, I say bring it. Hilarious.
I agree about the Alina storyline. Tyrone is lying to Fiz already. I must say Dorin is quite a little cutie.
Another great summary, thank you!
You piqued my interest about Tracy Barlow’s character and I found this online “Kate Ford took on the role of Tracy Barlow in Coronation Street in the autumn of 2002. She is the fourth actress to play the role of Tracy Barlow after Christabel Finch played her from her birth in 1977 to 1985, Holly Chamarette taking over from 1985 to 1988 and Dawn Acton playing the role from 1988 to 1999” I started watching Corrie in 2000 so missed the earlier Tracy actresses.
I was expecting to see damage to Joel’s door, or at least to the lock/handle area, when Deedee went to his flat. That might have added another clue for her, and would have confirmed that his flat was where Lauren was locked in when labour started.
I struggle that there are so many clues and evidence pointing to Joel being bad (did Swain ask him about Betsy’s bruises and I missed it?). Somehow Joel is free to go yet, Roy was held in custody with less evidence? It makes my BP soar ;o)
Swain did ask Joel and he said he never touched her and of course there is only Betsy's word at this point. I do think Swain believes her but must need more proof.
I don't remember another Tracy actress so I guess I haven't been watching as long as I thought - seems like forever, though!
I can't beleive that Deedee didn't really look any further in that flat.. I guess she found enough to confirm suspicions.
I started watching when they had the 2nd Tracy. Less than a year later she was replaced by Dawn Acton. It used to bother me when they would replace the actors, but sometimes it just needs to be done. Kate Ford does an amazing job in the role.
I must have been watching nineties Tracy but I don’t remember anyone else. Although I would presumably recognize her?
We sure miss you guys around here! Hope that someday we can get back to Weatherfield
If you search for Dawn Acton, you'll likely recognize the face. I believe the character left for school for a year or so, and came back with a new head (Kate Ford).
Shannon I chuckled when you told Brittlestar not to ruin Nick. Thank you for another great episode.
Good thing David works at a salon for all the hair products he must use.
I’m glad to see that Dee Dee figured out about Joel. It’s amazing how quickly he can come up with lies.
I was quite disappointed in Sarah repeatedly asking if Nathan was going to get out when poor Lauren was scared hearing Joel got out.
I’m hoping Tracy isn’t back for long.
I agree about Sarah. How completely tone deaf. And it wasn’t at all clear how she even came to be in those scenes.
Do they have a 'sweeps' week in the UK because this week felt like sweeps week episodes! We loved watching detective Dee Dee putting all the pieces together. And Shannon you are spot on with catching the change in Dee Dee from accusing Lauren of sleeping with her boyfriend to realizing what has really happened when they were talking in the hospital. (Disappointed at the last scene.. NO WAY would I let Joel back in my flat!) Plus did they have practically the entire cast on in that last episode? Daisy, Daniel, Brian, Lilly, Sarah, Bethany, all suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
The one line for the week that had me cracking up was Cassie that 'They should have entered Tracy in the running of the bulls in Spain' However Kit calling the 1990's vinyl 'vintage' was kind of hurtful. I really don't like him.
I wonder if they threw that "vintage" line in to make us all wince! It sure didn't go down well with me!
I couldn’t see, did Cassie mend Steve’s mug? I find many of the interior scenes too dark lately. I know power is expensive in the UK but surely spending a little more of the budget on the lighting crew and less on DeeDee’s wardrobe would be OK.
I must confess I had no interest in Lauren when she first appeared but now admire her excellent acting in what has been such a long and emotional storyline.
I think Dorin will be upstaging a few scenes, especially if he has a doughnut.
Yes, Steve's mug was very badly cobbled together and on the kitchen counter in one scene. It certainly didn't look like it could hold a cup of tea or coffee, but it might be good for draining pasta! ;)
I thought Toyah was going to have to go through chemo, etc. Do you think Alina will be killed and Tyrone will be left to bring up Dorin?
I think if they didn’t plan on keeping Dorin his interactivity will land him a longer storyline 😁
Any updates on when the next podcast episode will be out? I really hope everything is okay!
Brittlestar is a busy guy, that's for sure. I hope we hear from them again!
Anyone know why there haven’t been anymore updates?
I sure hope they bring the podcast back. So many good new story lines we all want to discuss!
I second that. I miss the discussions too.
I think they have been super busy lately and just haven't had time for the updates. I hope they can get back to doing them again in the future.
So do I, miss their commentary
I'm sure his Mom being on the Voice UK has them tied up at the moment. But I do hope that the jump back into doing this podcast someday. It was very enjoyable getting to read everyone's comments each week.
It's been a busy couple of weeks on the Street and we are missing our fearless leaders! I'm tempted to skip this week's episodes...but I know I won't/can't.
I'm worried that North of Weatherfield will be plummeting down the Podcast rankings! There have been some really funny lines we need to discuss but I don't want to post any spoilers. Please don't abandon us Brittlestar and Shannon!
I’ve already forgotten the episodes from the second and third week of September.
I know this is late but did anyone mention David's funny line about "little Nicky"? I was going to but then couldn't remember what week it happened!
I thought that was a great line too. It seems like it was from a couple of weeks ago, but I could be living in some sort of time warp ;)
Me too! I tried taking notes but couldn't keep it up. Makes me admire and appreciate Shannon and Brittlestar even more!
Weeks with this level of drama are why I watch the omnibus. I watched the whole thing unfold like a movie without breaks. It was tense!
You can also watch all the week’s episodes at once on Gem, with no commercial interruptions — just the opening/closing credits for each episode. On Friday nights….or Sunday mornings …whenever.
My wife and I work from home together and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday we watch the previous weeks episodes 2 at a time on GEM. So we're always a little behind. Lately I can't wait till Wednesday after lunch so I can get on here and listen to the podcast while I work and read all these fabulous comments!
It would drive me crazy knowing Corrie was on and I was going to wait until Sunday. You have a lot more patience than I do! lol
I've been doing it for 40 years. That 3 hour block on Sunday morning is my private space. At one point, I lived in a community without a CBC channel, so my brother would send me 3x6 hour VHS tapes at a time. I would spend the whole weekend binging. Bliss.
That's so funny! I did the same for my parents in the early 90's when they would spend the winter in Florida!
Wow! That's dedication!! What a good brother you have.
It was that, or lose my mind, lol.
I feel the same as you do Wendy. I end my evenings watching Corrie.
Are you not doing this podcast anymore?
Wasn’t it Hope that had the grown up messy bun, not Lily?
Definitely Lily did in a scene in the Platt house with Shona. But you’re right Hope may have one too
Shakes head… take your eyes off the screen to look at your IPad and boom! You miss Lily with a messy bun back in screen for the first time in months. Yeesh. LOL.
I think that's how I miss things too. I have started to force myself to shut the laptop and put down the phone for Corrie, but I still manage to miss stuff.