The boy playing Liam is doing an excellent job of portraying the agony of being bullied. As much as the storyline breaks my heart, I'm really enjoying the way it's being done. You can see the look of conflict in Dylan's face when Mason is terrorizing Liam. I'm hoping that someone in authority sees that video going around online and puts an end to it all. Then I want to see the look on Sean's face when he realizes his golden boy isn't so innocent after all. ;)

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I agree, Liam is either headed for a rage explosion, or, self-harm.

You're right, Corrie is my religion, my safe place. For forty years, no matter how bad real life was, the three (and sometimes five) hours on Sunday morning have me space to escape and breathe. It gives me breathing room.

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"I agree with the blanket move... until you turn the heat down." HAHAHAHA! Well done, Shannon.

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Why is there never a teacher or a person of authority in the school, classroom or lunchroom?

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Because schools are incredibly underfunded and understaffed,

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My heart breaks for Simon. Glad to see Leeanne finally step up and help support her son. Nick can sure be a real piece of work.

Mary is sure putting it out there to the universe that she is looking for love. To bad sidecar bob has a girlfriends.

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I look forward to this commentary every week! I so often laugh out loud and am always surprised that your opinions mirror my own…. Probably a Canadian perspective. I predict that Gary will take the bullying into his own hands at some point.. we all remember that anger just below the surface with this character!

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Thank you again for your recaps - I enjoy them and both of you very much!

I had to refresh my memory of Tina although I'm sure I saw her on tv series recently - I had to look her up because she looked so familiar.

Do British people say "ain't"? It just seems so American to me.

I'm also enjoying George lately and much as I like Sean, he does have some eye-opening ahead.

I worried for Liam, too.

I appreciate your take on the new constabulary staff!

Still not sure about Bobby in spite of good turns done.

I was away for a week and had to do some speed-watching just so I could listen to your podcast.

Please keep it up!

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Hi Brittlestar and Shannon!

I enjoying your podcast so much. ❤️

It’s lovely to hear you talk about the storylines, especially as no one around keeps up with the show.

I am looking forward to the next episodes as I catch up on the show.

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Not a fan of Simon. Poor child of Peter and Lianne. Moody Moody Moody. I slapped the writer at this point. Do better.

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