In regards to Amy joining the Institute. My husband and I would love to see Tracy come back and deal with Rowan for taking advantage of Amy. And just what goes on at these retreats?

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There was a “girls” trip to Spain (I believe) with Bette, Deidre, Rita, Mavis (or maybe Emily) and I can’t remember who else. There was some vacation romancing and other shenanigans but that’s where memory fades for me.

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I would add that Joel handles his little daughter with a lot of confidence and skill considering he'd only started seeing her so recently! That sweet baby seems to make it easy, too.

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I knew the Paul story was going to be a year jerker, but wow. So well done. I don't think the actual end will be any easier, though.

In one of my Corrie books, I have the "snaps" of the girls trip in the 70's. They are something else. I'd post them if we could add photos here.

I loved the Debbie/Jack interaction. I also love Debbie's mouthiness. Even as a teenager when she first arrived on the Street, she had an attitude.

Shannon and Brittlestar, glad you had a great break. However, I did miss this community to chat with last week!

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I don't remember Debbie as a teen and I thought I'd been watching this show forever! Guess not! I don't recall the girls trip either so I might look that one up.

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Kevin, Debbie and their Dad Bill came onto the street in the 80's. That's when Kevin and Sally met

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I don’t ever remember Debbie until fairly recently ( she maybe visited 10-15 yrs ago?). But I am LOVING her these days. She and Rita are getting the best lines!

Teenage Debbie would have been great!

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I started watching in January 1986 when I was home on maternity leave. I think Sally and Kevin were dating, but not married at that point. I don't recall Bill and Debbie on the show back then, but 38 years makes the memory go fuzzy. lol. I'm trying to figure out how far behind we were from the UK at that point. I'm thinking at least a year?? Maybe two??

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I started watching in 1984 for the same reasons. I think we were 18 months to 2 years behind. Several years later, CBC skipped ahead 18 months to bring us closer to the timeline. At that point the Toronto Star tv guide created a synopsis of what was skipped.

Debbie wasn't on the show for that long originally.

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I remember when CBC skipped ahead, but wasn't too concerned with what I missed back then. Now it would kill me!

I know when Debbie made a return visit a few years later she looked vaguely familiar to me, so I likely saw her once or twice before she disappeared. Bill also looked familiar when he returned.

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And those are the original actors too?

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Yes, they are.

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Welcome back! I hope you had a nice break. It really was a jam-packed two weeks on the Street and as always, love your recaps.

Did anyone notice Leanne giving Rowan a look when he's schmoozing Amy - I think he's saying the same thing to her that he probably said to Leanne back when... as in "I see something special in you... I think you could go far..."

The scenes with Paul really were exhausting - I get to watch it alone so any sniffles go unnoticed. I didn't have to lay down plastic - haha! I like to think that Paul will die naturally now, hopefully in his sleep.

Why is Mason homeless? And so obviously, too. I can appreciate Stu's concern but it did seem over the top. There were some funny lines about the creepy old guy and old man clothes. I never thought Mason would have changed his ways - he wasn't locked up long enough!

Yes, very cute babies brought out. Poor Lauren, thinking ahead to happy-family times somehow. Why would Joel send drugs to his and DD's apartment?? Surely he could find somewhere else. But, drama... Speaking of babies, I'd forgotten that Alina was pregnant when she left, or missed that somehow.

Good call on Kit buying the house for Ches and family. He's a mean one, though, and really has to get over his 21 year old experience with Bernie. As a mother of adult children I really can't apologize any more for whatever I did wrong (sorry, TMI!}.

Debbie had some nice scenes with nephew Jack, I enjoyed that. Kevin is just too awful sometimes, really, Abby can't put up with that forever. David does get some good snarky lines and the brotherly love is heartwarming.

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Our Jack is still a leg down, guys - the writers have just forgotten that very traumatic story line. I thought Kevin’s overacting was hilarious when he said ‘what’s he (Jack) done now?!’ Kev, Jack’s the perfect kid!

I think Kit genuinely cares for Jemma & Paul, but I don’t understand why he’s got such a hate in for Craig. Craig knowing Kit got the shoe stealing charge against Jemma dropped seems pretty minor - it’s not like he’s covered up a murder. Craig is acting like a total goof these days though… does anyone else think he seemed a lot sharper and more mature when he was with Faye? Good double dipper, Brittlestar & Shannon! Nice to see Brittlestar picking up some of the note-making! 😉

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At the end of Paul ‘s Day Out I liked the scene with Todd as he gets few chances to not be snarky. Then I was almost angry with the writers as we had been taken on such an emotional ride and eventually will have to do it again.

I’m having a hard time trying to get a handle on Kit’s character. I can understand his bitterness towards Bernie while still having some genuine affection for his siblings (but does he really, and it’s all just an act and has sucked me in?) I think what colours my distrust of him the most is I can’t remember the last time a new male character arriving on the street turned out to be a good guy. I’m looking at you Phalen, Geoff, Damon, Joel and Rowan.

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Good point! I guess we have Michael and…. Yep. That’s it 😄

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First off, I'm with Tyron. Films really peaked with the Goonies. It's been all downhill since. That was my funny moment for the week.

Did I miss something? How did Rowan wriggle out of having a fake name so fast? I'm kind of over the whole institute at this point.

I enjoyed Stu trying to help Mason and I thought oh this is going to be a nice redemption arc for Mason... Nope! Still a thug!

Quite the scenes with Paul and Billy. Couldn't help but think of Haley and Roy and that sure brings up the tears!

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Rowan admitted he was no longer the person who was charged with a crime, that it was him in a "past version" of himself, and he owed it all to the institute to turn his life around. Then he hinted at Leanne having to change her name in the future when the time was right. That's my Coles Notes version of what happened.

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I sure missed you guys last week. It was like a drought here.

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Forgot to say earlier, Kit may be the tallest member of the cast, but if Jack keeps growing at the rate he's been growing recently, he'll soon be taller than Kit. That kid seemed to grow up overnight.

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Yes, and he's showing that awkward adolescent gangliness! Handsome kid, too.

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Joanne pretty much summed up everything I wanted to say. The only thing I want to add was how hilarious I found it that DeeDee told Joel that he absolutely must get the lovely antique bureau out of his flat before he turns in the keys, and we see 3 guys gathered to move what amounted to a tall night stand! What a farce.

The Paul and Billy scenes just about did me in. I don't know if Paul will decide in a few weeks that now is the time to play "Oh Happy Day" again, but if he does, I don't think I'll be able to take it. It was so well done, and extremely emotional.

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yeah, has she ever even been to that flat? Must have.... And uncle Ronnie supervising? I guess Joel is part of the family now! It really didn't look like much of an antique, you are right. Paul and Billy - the writers and actors are really doing an amazing job. All the looks that people are giving and then the tribute at the end of the episode to the fellow that actually had the disease and passed away. Yeesh, overload.

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I think the writers are knocking it out of the ballpark. Unlike the serial killer Stephen storyline, Paul and Billy's relationship is a storyline worth dragging on. The tribute at the end was very touching.

I think DeeDee was at Joel's flat a few times, but we never saw them there together? Maybe??? Sometimes I blink and miss stuff! lol

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Mason said that his brother was beating him up for some reason. Probably why he is homeless

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So does that mean he DID go back home then? And are parents not involved?

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I don't think there has been any mention of Mason's parents. Maybe the brother is old enough to be his guardian?? I would imagine sometime in the future we'll get a bit of background on the family, and it likely won't be good.

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