I’ve been wondering for weeks now about who was looking after Glory. Michael said something about the thank you card was for helping find his phone. Made no sense.
Leanne at level 5. Is this after you upload enough personal information?
I loved the look on Sam’s face after seeing AI Oliver and saying to Leanne “you know it’s not real”.
I chuckled when Kevin said the PI they hired was a useful as an inflatable dart board.
I know I’m alone here - but I’ve always liked Bobby. It’s a good thing that you can peep through the mailbox and see what’s going on. When I went on the Coronation Street tour they encouraged us to peep through the mailboxes. It’s not a spoiler here, there is nothing behind the set.
I liked Paul and Billy’s version of Singing in the Rain. Paul’s acting is phenomenal lately. What’s with Felix’s water bottle? They kept zooming in on it.
I like Bobby too. I hope he actually gets to stay, now that he's in the good books for helping Ken. I also agree that Paul and Billy in the rain was a great scene, and Peter Ash is doing an amazing job portraying Paul. Willow was definitely an AI. Either that, or she's the worlds creepiest CEO. lol
It's sad to think about the end for all these great characters. We know it has to end sometime, but it's inevitable. Maybe Ken will get a spot in the retirement home that Norris and Claudia moved to???
Ken Barlow's age is supposed to be in his mid-eighties, but William Roache is older. I think they ran a birthday special a couple of years back when he turned 90.
Glenda and Michael together just seems forced to me. They have absolutely no chemistry. As for Glory, it seems almost every child on the street is left with a mystery babysitter that we never see or hear. I can't count how many times Gemma and Chesney's quads were unaccounted for in the past few years!
George and Glenda need a real mediation session. They both have valid points, but they have to meet in the middle, and stop acting like children.
What can I say about Nick and Toyah? How stupid are they to have a smooching session in front of an open window. They're just asking to be caught. As for seeing that balcony before, I think at one point in time there was a fire in the Victoria flats and someone was trapped on that balcony. I can't remember who, but it seems familiar to me. When Nick said "we can't do that again" I thought he was talking about the kiss, but Shannon has me questioning it now.
Yes, that's it! Kal was Yasmeen's son, and was Alya and Zeedan's father. He was either engaged to Leanne, or just about to get engaged to her. Thanks for filling in the blanks for me!
Yes, so much happened last week. Phew! Bill Roache is 92, but the character Ken is younger, over 80 though.
Who lives in the Streetcars flat these days? There would be more room in the Barlow house if Steve moved out. Sure, that would leave just Ken and Amy right now, but then Adam could move in. Where *does* he live these days? Steve co-owns Streetcars, including that building. The character is no match for the Barlow family’s combined intellect. It’s almost painful seeing him there and hearing the dialogue. Steve should move out. Sorry Shannon, but I’m not a Glenda fan. The character is toooooooo everythIng. I agree there’s zero chemistry between Glenda and Michael.
Adam is living in the flat with Dee-Dee (I think she moved in with him?). But yes - I’d forgotten about the Street Cars flat. Everyone is too busy living in the Precinct these days! 😄
I thought Dee Dee threw Adam out after one of his more recent misdeeds.....or not. Dee Dee originally moved into that flat when Paul lived there. The Precinct, as popular as it's become, is far too down market for Adam, that's for sure. LOL.
Carla and I guess Bobby are living in the flat above Streetcars. They have made it over so much since Steve, Ami and Liz lived up there I didn't recognize it when they first started showing it with Carla and Peter.. But it is that flat.
I'm all for the Milenda (to soon for a 'ship' name?) romance. At least it doesn't make me say EEEW like Nick and Toya. BTW the audio quality was much better this week!
I’ve been wondering for weeks now about who was looking after Glory. Michael said something about the thank you card was for helping find his phone. Made no sense.
Leanne at level 5. Is this after you upload enough personal information?
I loved the look on Sam’s face after seeing AI Oliver and saying to Leanne “you know it’s not real”.
I chuckled when Kevin said the PI they hired was a useful as an inflatable dart board.
Level 5 means Leanne can recruit more people which means more $$ for Rowan
I know I’m alone here - but I’ve always liked Bobby. It’s a good thing that you can peep through the mailbox and see what’s going on. When I went on the Coronation Street tour they encouraged us to peep through the mailboxes. It’s not a spoiler here, there is nothing behind the set.
I liked Paul and Billy’s version of Singing in the Rain. Paul’s acting is phenomenal lately. What’s with Felix’s water bottle? They kept zooming in on it.
Is Willow an AI similar to Oliver?
Okay I totally missed the Willow AI thing! So do you think Rowan is the actual head of the Institute?
Also I agree. Paul’s acting these days is phenomenal.
I absolutely think Rowan is the brains of the operation. That way he gets to keep all the cash for himself.
I thought Willow was AI too.
Me too!
Me too
I like Bobby too. I hope he actually gets to stay, now that he's in the good books for helping Ken. I also agree that Paul and Billy in the rain was a great scene, and Peter Ash is doing an amazing job portraying Paul. Willow was definitely an AI. Either that, or she's the worlds creepiest CEO. lol
I'm still not a Bobby fan. He'll need to do a lot to redeem himself.
I’ve always liked Bobby too, he’s a bit cheeky and I’m definitely team cheeky!
It’s a word we don’t really have /use here in Canada but I agree - it’s perfect for Bobby!
That's the perfect word to describe him!
We agree. We thought Willow was AI as well. It will turn out to all be Rowan who is mastermind
Although not funny I laughed out loud when Rowan, the great manipulator, told Leanne not to be emotionally manipulated by people.
I don't like Michael and Glenda as an item. I love them both as individuals, but together is not plausible.
I agree that this fall is the beginning of the end for Ken. Rita can't be far behind, nor can Audrey.
It's sad to think about the end for all these great characters. We know it has to end sometime, but it's inevitable. Maybe Ken will get a spot in the retirement home that Norris and Claudia moved to???
Or maybe he and Rita can go to Mavis in the Lake District.
Exactly! Mavis is rivaling Emily Bishop these days!
That would be even better!
Ken Barlow's age is supposed to be in his mid-eighties, but William Roache is older. I think they ran a birthday special a couple of years back when he turned 90.
Glenda and Michael together just seems forced to me. They have absolutely no chemistry. As for Glory, it seems almost every child on the street is left with a mystery babysitter that we never see or hear. I can't count how many times Gemma and Chesney's quads were unaccounted for in the past few years!
George and Glenda need a real mediation session. They both have valid points, but they have to meet in the middle, and stop acting like children.
What can I say about Nick and Toyah? How stupid are they to have a smooching session in front of an open window. They're just asking to be caught. As for seeing that balcony before, I think at one point in time there was a fire in the Victoria flats and someone was trapped on that balcony. I can't remember who, but it seems familiar to me. When Nick said "we can't do that again" I thought he was talking about the kiss, but Shannon has me questioning it now.
Yes there was a fire. A gas cylinder exploded and Yasmeen grandson Cal(?) was killed. Was he with Leanne at the time?
Yes, that's it! Kal was Yasmeen's son, and was Alya and Zeedan's father. He was either engaged to Leanne, or just about to get engaged to her. Thanks for filling in the blanks for me!
I am dismayed Toyah will be repeating history by having a relationship with yet another of Leanne’s husbands.
OMG, I forgot all about Toyah and Peter. What a dysfunctional family.
Yes, so much happened last week. Phew! Bill Roache is 92, but the character Ken is younger, over 80 though.
Who lives in the Streetcars flat these days? There would be more room in the Barlow house if Steve moved out. Sure, that would leave just Ken and Amy right now, but then Adam could move in. Where *does* he live these days? Steve co-owns Streetcars, including that building. The character is no match for the Barlow family’s combined intellect. It’s almost painful seeing him there and hearing the dialogue. Steve should move out. Sorry Shannon, but I’m not a Glenda fan. The character is toooooooo everythIng. I agree there’s zero chemistry between Glenda and Michael.
Rowan grows more slimey.
Adam is living in the flat with Dee-Dee (I think she moved in with him?). But yes - I’d forgotten about the Street Cars flat. Everyone is too busy living in the Precinct these days! 😄
I thought Dee Dee threw Adam out after one of his more recent misdeeds.....or not. Dee Dee originally moved into that flat when Paul lived there. The Precinct, as popular as it's become, is far too down market for Adam, that's for sure. LOL.
Carla and I guess Bobby are living in the flat above Streetcars. They have made it over so much since Steve, Ami and Liz lived up there I didn't recognize it when they first started showing it with Carla and Peter.. But it is that flat.
Oh you’re right! Yes certainly looks an awful lot better 😄
Oh of course. That’s right. Carla is in the Streetcars flat.
I'm all for the Milenda (to soon for a 'ship' name?) romance. At least it doesn't make me say EEEW like Nick and Toya. BTW the audio quality was much better this week!